
This Simple-Looking Little Wooden Box is Hiding a Very Clever Secret Indeed…

Here’s a very neat little invention for you to check out. It looks like nothing more than just a small wooden chest. But it’s no ordinary ottoman or storage box. It’s hiding a very cool little secret inside. What is it? It’s long and rectangular appearance brings to mind that of a coffin, doesn’t it? But, don’t worry – it’s nothing as morbid as that! It’s actually quite cool – something pretty handy that you could see yourself using. Let’s take a look. See how quickly you can work out this box’s big secret…

Folding Bed

With locks and handles, you can tell that the box contains something inside and can be lifted and moved about.

Folding Bed

Aha… The contents. Once the lid comes off, it’s not instantly obvious what’s hiding beneath the surface. More wood, by the looks of it. Parts of something? Something self assembly?

Folding Bed

A close up reveals that the wooden panels inside are shaped differently.

Folding Bed

How close are you to an answer? Do you have any ideas yet?

Folding Bed

There are quite a few panels or pieces inside, whatever it is, it must makes something pretty sizeable.

Folding Bed

Right, now we’re talking. Assembly time.

Folding Bed

Hinges out, handles off.

Folding Bed

Maybe not that much assembly really is required. Only it looks as though everything is already together in this ingenious little space-saving gem.

Folding Bed

Can you tell what it is yet?!

Folding Bed

BINGO! It’s a bed.

Folding Bed

Once it’s folded out in all its glory, all you need do is put the slats on top.

Folding Bed

Et voila! A bed. How good is that, huh?

Folding Bed

What do you think?

Written by Boredom Bash


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